If you are injured at work or become ill for any reason related to your job, you must report the injury to your doctor and to the WSIB. There are several different types of injuries and medical conditions that can be allowed as work-related.
A work injury can be the result of a specific accident, such as a slip & fall, lifting accident, car accident at work, machinery accident, or other type of accident. A work injury can also be the result of a repetitive type injury or a medical condition that has developed over time due to your job duties. A disease or chemical reaction that is related to your job can also be considered a work injury.
If you or someone you know has suffered a work-injury of any kind, please contact us today to speak with one of our legal representatives. Our team of specialized WSIB legal representatives have over two (2) decades of experience and knowledge in dealing with a wide range of WSIB claims & appeals.
WSIB Claims & Appeals
WSIB has always been a difficult organization for injured workers to deal with. Our team of WSIB legal representatives will fight hard for your claim. We exclusively represent injured workers and individuals with disabilities; never employers.
Our goal is to help everyone receive a fair and just result when dealing with WSIB. We assist injured workers in preparing their claim(s) and communicating with WSIB. We make detailed submissions & legal arguments and we attend appeal hearings, mediations and return to work meetings.
We will be there at every stage of your claim to lead you to the right outcome.
Keep in mind that there are strict timelines and deadlines involved with either filing a WSIB claim or appealing any negative decisions.
If you are unsure of how to file a claim or appeal a decision, we urge you to contact us as soon as possible & hire our expert WSIB Representatives, so important deadlines are not missed.
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board of Ontario (WSIB)