Workplace Safety & Insurance Appeals Tribunal (WSIAT)
The WSIB legal experts at D&R Disability Legal Services not only specialize in WSIB claims & appeals, but we also have a very high success rate with WSIAT appeals.
Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunals are independent of WSIB, the worker and the employer. This is the most important and final level of appeal for your WSIB claim(s).
It is important to prepare and present the best case possible at the Tribunal level. We can and will be able to assist you with your claim and/or appeal. We have over 20 years of experience with helping injured workers get their rights approved at this level.
It is also important to keep in mind that there are strict time limits and appeal deadlines that apply to filing a WSIAT appeal. If you are unsure about your appeal rights, please contact us.
WHY WAIT? You have nothing to lose and a lot to gain. Contact our team of WSIB legal representatives today for your free consultation.
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